Co management (2023)

Co - manejo (2023)

Governance (2023)

Gobernanza (2023)

Conservación con la gente del mar: Avance y retos hacia el futuro


Co management (2023)
Co - manejo (2023)
Governance (2023)
Gobernanza (2023)
Conservación con la gente del mar: Avance y retos hacia el futuro
Este video explica la gobernanza de las áreas marinas protegidas en Costa Rica y de voz de los pescadores; presenta los retos que cada una de estas formas de gobernanza plantea. -
Protected areas governance relates with how power and decision-making are shared in those conservation territories. State governance and private governance of protected areas are generally recognized. In Costa Rica, the conservation of marine protected areas recognizes a shared governance model under the example of responsible fishing marine areas and state marine governance model through the marine management categories of marine reserve management and marine management area . This document explains in a simple manner these two governance models present in the Marine Protected Areas System in Costa Rica and in the voice of fisherfolks presents the challenges that each of these models of governance face.