Preparing ourselves to international meetings
Somos jóvenes pescadores artesanales y obviamente...
We are young small scale fisherfolks and obviously...
¿Qué mensajes tienen las juventudes pescadoras artesanales de pequeña escala de Costa Rica?
What messages do the young small scale fisherfolks of Costa Rica want to share?
Hacia el Tercer Congreso Mundial de los Océanos en Niza, Francia 2025.
Presentación Side Event, Costa Rica, 2024
Message les jeunes:
Message les jeunes:
Message les jeunes:
Message les jeunes:
Youth message:
Youth message:
Youth message:
Youth message:
Mensaje jóvenes:
Mensaje jóvenes:
Mensaje jóvenes:
Mensaje jóvenes:
Doing conservation through the shared governance model of responsible fishing marine areas.
We have no right of access to the land, but we have still made conservation.
We indigenous peoples want to conserve our culture and traditional ways of using marine resources.
As a young, I also want to participate in the decision making process regarding marine conservation.
Our small-scale communities are disappearing.
We do not have to change the way we conserve.
Doing conservation without drinking water: the reality of the Isla Caballo in Costa Rica.
How is conservation and sustainable use of the sea done by small-scale fishermen in Costa Rica?
What do small-scale women fisherwomen have to say about marine conservation?
Evento Paralelo: Medios de Vida de Pescadores de Pequeña Escala y Conservación Marina
Side Event: SSF Livelihoods and Marine Conservation: Marine Territories of Life in Mesoamerica
Preparing ourselves to international meetings
Somos jóvenes pescadores artesanales y obviamente...
We are young small scale fisherfolks and obviously...
¿Qué mensajes tienen las juventudes pescadoras artesanales de pequeña escala de Costa Rica?
What messages do the young small scale fisherfolks of Costa Rica want to share?
Hacia el Tercer Congreso Mundial de los Océanos en Niza, Francia 2025.
Presentación Side Event, Costa Rica, 2024
Message les jeunes:
Message les jeunes:
Message les jeunes:
Message les jeunes:
Youth message:
Youth message:
Youth message:
Youth message:
Mensaje jóvenes:
Mensaje jóvenes:
Mensaje jóvenes:
Mensaje jóvenes:
Doing conservation through the shared governance model of responsible fishing marine areas.
We have no right of access to the land, but we have still made conservation.
We indigenous peoples want to conserve our culture and traditional ways of using marine resources.
As a young, I also want to participate in the decision making process regarding marine conservation.
Our small-scale communities are disappearing.
We do not have to change the way we conserve.
Doing conservation without drinking water: the reality of the Isla Caballo in Costa Rica.
How is conservation and sustainable use of the sea done by small-scale fishermen in Costa Rica?
What do small-scale women fisherwomen have to say about marine conservation?
Evento Paralelo: Medios de Vida de Pescadores de Pequeña Escala y Conservación Marina
Side Event: SSF Livelihoods and Marine Conservation: Marine Territories of Life in Mesoamerica